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Keep track of your
highs and lows

Make your substance use safer and purposeful with Sojourns

Why Sojourns?

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Plan with purpose

Prepare for your experiences in advance to know what to expect.

Track with just
a few taps

Record your experiences and all their details in a quick and easy way.

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Know yourself and beyond

Get deeper insights into your relationship with substances and find the information you need from 14.5k+ substances.

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Who is Sojourns?

Our small team has extensive experience in engineering, technical leadership, and neuroscience research. Our goal is to fill a gap in the democratized personal wellness market by developing software for personalized harm reduction in substance use. Sojourns caters to the needs of substance users without any assumptions regarding the type of substance. We value our users' privacy and have designed our app with data protection in mind, ensuring that all data collected by Sojourn is kept confidential and anonymous.

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